View Javadoc
1   package net.logAnalyzer.gui.messages.filters;
3   import net.logAnalyzer.converters.LAConverter;
4   import net.logAnalyzer.converters.UnknownOrLiteralConverterException;
5   import net.logAnalyzer.handlers.LAMessage;
6   import net.logAnalyzer.handlers.ParsingException;
8   /***
9    * This class implements a filter used to compare the value of messageLabel converter
10   * to specified value.
11   * 
12   * @author Karim REFEYTON
13   * @version 0.1
14   */
15  public abstract class CompareFilter implements LAMessagesFilter {
16      /***
17       * Converter to compare.
18       */
19      private LAConverter converter;
21      /***
22       * Returns the converter to compare.
23       * 
24       * @return converter.
25       */
26      public final LAConverter getConverter() {
27          return this.converter;
28      }
30      /***
31       * Value used to compare messages values.
32       */
33      private Comparable value;
35      /***
36       * Returns the value.
37       * 
38       * @return value.
39       */
40      public final Comparable getValue() {
41          return this.value;
42      }
44      /***
45       * Constructs a new filter.
46       * 
47       * @param converter
48       *            Converter to compare.
49       * @param value
50       *            Value used to accept or not the messageLabel (depending of
51       *            {@link #accept(LAMessage)}implementation).
52       */
53      public CompareFilter(LAConverter converter, Comparable value) {
54          super();
55          this.converter = converter;
56          if (converter != null && value != null) {
57              try {
58                  this.value = (Comparable) converter.parse((String) value);
59              } catch (ParsingException e) {
60                  this.value = value;
61              }
62          } else {
63              this.value = null;
64          }
65      }
67      /***
68       * Index of the converter to compare. <tt>-1</tt> if not computed,
69       * {@link #CONVERTER_NOT_FOUND}if not found.
70       */
71      private int converterIndex = -1;
73      /***
74       * Column not found value of {@link #getConverterIndex(LAMessage)}.
75       */
76      protected static final int CONVERTER_NOT_FOUND = -2;
78      /***
79       * Returns the converter index to compare.
80       * 
81       * @param message
82       *            Message to compare.
83       * @return Index of the converter; {@link #CONVERTER_NOT_FOUND}if not
84       *         found.
85       */
86      protected final int getConverterIndex(LAMessage message) {
87          if (converterIndex == -1) {
88              try {
89                  converterIndex = message.getConverterIndex(converter
90                          .getLiteral());
91              } catch (UnknownOrLiteralConverterException uolce) {
92                  // NOP
93                  converterIndex = CONVERTER_NOT_FOUND;
94              }
95          }
96          return converterIndex;
97      }
99      /***
100      * Returns a string representation of the filter. Used to display filter.
101      * 
102      * @return String representation of the filter.
103      */
104     public abstract String toString();
105 }