View Javadoc
1   package net.logAnalyzer;
3   import javax.swing.JFrame;
4   import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
5   import javax.swing.UIManager;
7   import net.logAnalyzer.gui.LAFrame;
8   import net.logAnalyzer.handlers.EmptyLogHandler;
9   import net.logAnalyzer.handlers.LALogHandler;
10  import net.logAnalyzer.reports.LAReport;
11  import net.logAnalyzer.resources.LAResourceBundle;
13  /***
14   * This class is the GUI launcher. It contains the
15   * {@link net.logAnalyzer.handlers.LALogHandler} and
16   * {@link net.logAnalyzer.reports.LAReport}(s) references displayed by the Log
17   * Analyzer main window and shared by all the classes of the GUI.
18   * 
19   * @author Karim REFEYTON
20   * @version 0.1
21   */
22  public final class LogAnalyzerGUI {
23      /***
24       * Log handler displayed.
25       */
26      private static LALogHandler handler = null;
28      /***
29       * Reports displayed.
30       */
31      private static LAReport[] reports = null;
33      /***
34       * Utilities classes have no public constructor.
35       */
36      private LogAnalyzerGUI() {
37      }
39      /***
40       * Returns the Log handler displayed. The default value is an
41       * {@link EmptyLogHandler}.
42       * 
43       * @return Current log handler.
44       */
45      public static LALogHandler getHandler() {
46          if (handler == null) {
47              handler = new EmptyLogHandler();
48          }
49          return handler;
50      }
52      /***
53       * Returns the reports displayed. The default value is an empty
54       * {@link LAReport} array.
55       * 
56       * @return Reports array.
57       */
58      public static LAReport[] getReports() {
59          if (reports == null) {
60              reports = new LAReport[0];
61          }
62          return reports;
63      }
65      /***
66       * Closes the specified frame and terminate the programs.
67       * 
68       * @param frame
69       *            Frame to close.
70       */
71      public static void closeGUI(final LAFrame frame) {
72          // Remove the frame from the frames list
73          frame.setVisible(false);
74          frame.dispose();
75          Runtime.getRuntime().exit(0);
76      }
78      /***
79       * Creates the first frame.
80       */
81      public static void createAndShowGUI() {
82          // Create and add a new frame
83          LAFrame frame = new LAFrame(LAResourceBundle
84                  .getLocalizedString("LAFrame.title"));
85          frame.setVisible(true);
86      }
88      /***
89       * Launches a new GUI for the specified handler and reports.
90       * 
91       * @param logHandler
92       *            Log handler to display.
93       * @param logReports
94       *            Reports to display.
95       */
96      public static void launchGUI(final LALogHandler logHandler,
97              final LAReport[] logReports) {
98          // Set the shared handler
99          LogAnalyzerGUI.handler = logHandler;
100         LogAnalyzerGUI.reports = logReports;
101         // Set look & feel
102         try {
103             UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());
104         } catch (Exception e) {
105             // NOP
106             JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true);
107         }
108         // Create the first frame
109         SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
110             public void run() {
111                 createAndShowGUI();
112             }
113         });
114     }
115 }